Brendan C. Ward founded Astute Spruce in 2019 to work with science-based organizations to shape a healthier world.
Brendan is passionate about bridging science with real-world applications. He combines a Master's of
Science in Landscape Ecology with over a decade of experience developing software solutions.
He has led software teams to create groundbreaking solutions to data sharing and visualization needs. Brendan has
helped empower decision makers and stakeholders by building software that leverages the best available scientific
data with cutting-edge technology to increase positive impact. He has partnered with scientists to streamline their
data processing to derive more value from less manual labor. He has collaborated with government agencies, conservation
non-profits, and others to amplify the impact of their work.
Every step of the way, Brendan combines a passion for expanding the impact of organizations and individuals with
better tools and data. He brings a strong attention to detail and a creative spark to meld innovation with high-quality
results. He is a strong collaborator and actively engages partners throughout all stages of his work. Through his
careful focus on maximizing impact, his projects are more effective and intuitive than many out-of-the-box solutions.
I work collaboratively with science-based organizations to develop highly-customized software solutions for real-world problems. I leverage my unique talents and background at the fusion point between science and software engineering to amplify the impact of these organizations, empower their stakeholders with higher-quality data through intuitive and compelling applications, and increase engagement within the science and conservation communities.
I led CBI's software development team to create tools and platforms that empower the conservation community to share, visualize, interpret, and apply geospatial data.
I led the historical fire regime mapping and modeling team within the LANDFIRE project, a highly-ambitious project to quantify current vegetation cover, potential vegetation, fire risk and behavior, and departure from historical conditions across the U.S.
Thesis: Landscape-level effects of the interaction between residential development and public forest management in northern Wisconsin, USA.
Thesis: A simple rule-based simulation approach to modeling windthrow in forests of the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon.
Weller, T.J. and B.C. Ward. 2020. AMPlifying Bat Monitoring Across North America: an online portal shares
acoustic data to advance bat conservation across the continent. The Wildlife Professional May/June 2020: 44-48.
Scheller, R.M., W.D. Spencer, H. Rustigian-Romsos, A.D. Syphard, B.C. Ward, and J.R. Strittholt. 2011.
Using stochastic simulation to evaluate competing risks of wildfires and fuels management on an isolated forest
carnivore. Landscape Ecology 26: 1491-1504.
Syphard, A.D., R.M. Scheller, B.C. Ward, W.D. Spencer, and J.R. Strittholt. 2011. Simulating
landscape-scale effects of fuels treatments in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. International Journal of
Wildland Fire 20:364-383.
Scheller, R.M., E.J. Gustafson, B.R. Sturtevant, B.C. Ward, and D.J. Mladenoff. 2010. Increasing the
research and management value of ecological models using modern software techniques. Frontiers in Ecology and
the Environment 8(5): 253-260.
Ward, B.C., D.J. Mladenoff, and R.M. Scheller. 2005. Simulating landscape-level effects of constraints to
public forest regeneration harvests due to adjacent residential development in northern Wisconsin. Forest
Science 51(6): 616-632.
Ward, B.C., M. Lundin, D. Harvey, J. Strittholt, G. Joseph, T. Comendant. 2016. California Water Planning
Information Exchange (Water PIE) - Data Basin Pilot. Prepared for the California Department of Water Resources.
Multiple authors. 2014. Landscape Conservation Cooperative - Integrated Data Management Network - Toolshed. Prepared
for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. More information.
Strittholt, J.R., S.A. Bryce, B.C. Ward, and D.M. Bachelet. 2012. Sonoran Desert Rapid Ecoregional
Assessment Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver,
Colorado. Access report.
Bryce, S.A., J.R. Strittholt, B.C. Ward, and D.M. Bachelet. 2012. Colorado Plateau Rapid Ecoregional
Assessment Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver,
Colorado. Access report.